Welcome back at the start of the Spring term. Please read Letter 7 from the Headteacher providing news and information for the term ahead.
We are currently advertising for a Parent Governor to join our Board of Governors. Would you be interested? Please see the advert at the end of the letter for more information. To apply please complete and submit the application form by midday on Friday 24th January.
Thank you.
Please read the end of term letter 6 from the Headteacher for the latest school news and information.
Thank you
With Christmas just around the corner, the holiday period is a great time to take stock of the devices they have (plus any new Christmas devices) and ensure they are set up correctly with any parental features you feel are appropriate for your child.
One frustrating issue is that the available features and how you set devices up differ, so to help parents Internet Matters have really good, non-techie guides which you can follow as part of their ABC Checklist. ABC stands for:
A - Activate parental controls
B - Balance screen time.
C - Check and chat.
You can find a full explanation, set up guides and excellent advice HERE.
Cyber Security
Cyber security is fundamental to all of our lives - from financial scams, identity theft, using public WiFi and much more. The excellent organisation, Internet Matters, have put together a number of articles and resources for parents and their children which go into these topics including:
You can find all the resources HERE.
When considering a private tutor for your child, safeguarding is crucial. Here are some key points for parents to keep in mind to keep your child safe, whether this is online or face to face.
Remember, anyone can call themselves a tutor, so please click HERE and read this excellent advice from London Grid for Learning who always provide excellent safeguarding advice.
Hayley Yates
Designated Safeguarding Lead & Assistant Headteacher