PSHCE - Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship, Enterprise Education

PSHCE is split into two complementary sections: Personal Well Being and Economic Well Being. Both sections aim to meet the legal requirements as prescribed by the government, and more importantly, are in place to meet the needs of students. PSHCE is delivered by tutors on a Wednesday morning, and many aspects of the personal and economic well being syllabus are delivered through Health Education, Life Skills, Careers, and through many other aspects of the curriculum.

PSHCE Curriculum Map 2023-24

Life Skills Curriculum Map 23-24

Personal Well Being - Health Education Curriculum

The personal development of students is a vital part of their secondary education. This program of study provides a context for schools to fulfil their legal responsibilities to promote the wellbeing of students and provide sex and relationships and drugs education. Personal well being helps young people embrace change, feel positive about who they are and enjoy healthy, safe, responsible and fulfilled lives. Students will be able to recognise and manage risk, take increasing responsibility for themselves, their choices and behaviours and make positive contributions to their families, schools and communities.


Economic Well Being - Careers Curriculum

Through economic well being, careers education, work-related learning, enterprise and financial capability are brought together in order to equip students with the knowledge, skills and attributes to make the most of changing opportunities in learning and work. Education for economic wellbeing and financial capability improves motivation and progression by helping students see the relevance of what they learn in school to their future lives.


Man Up Girl Up - write up of our students time at Forest Forge Theatre, exploring gender and sexism in our society.

 For more information on Personal, Social, Health, Careers or Enterprise Education (PSHCE), please contact:

  • Miss McAdam (Assistant Head Teacher)
  • Mrs Jukes (PSHCE)
  • Mr Bell (Careers Co-ordinator)
  • Mrs Stewart (Relationships, Sex & Health Education)

PSHCE - Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship, Enterprise Education

PSHCE is split into two complementary sections: Personal Well Being and Economic Well Being. Both sections aim to meet the legal requirements as prescribed by the government, and more importantly, are in place to meet the needs of students. PSHCE is delivered by tutors on a Wednesday morning, and many aspects of the personal and economic well being syllabus are delivered through Health Education, Life Skills, Careers, and through many other aspects of the curriculum.

PSHCE Curriculum Map 2023-24

Life Skills Curriculum Map 23-24

Personal Well Being - Health Education Curriculum

The personal development of students is a vital part of their secondary education. This program of study provides a context for schools to fulfil their legal responsibilities to promote the wellbeing of students and provide sex and relationships and drugs education. Personal well being helps young people embrace change, feel positive about who they are and enjoy healthy, safe, responsible and fulfilled lives. Students will be able to recognise and manage risk, take increasing responsibility for themselves, their choices and behaviours and make positive contributions to their families, schools and communities.


Economic Well Being - Careers Curriculum

Through economic well being, careers education, work-related learning, enterprise and financial capability are brought together in order to equip students with the knowledge, skills and attributes to make the most of changing opportunities in learning and work. Education for economic wellbeing and financial capability improves motivation and progression by helping students see the relevance of what they learn in school to their future lives.


Man Up Girl Up - write up of our students time at Forest Forge Theatre, exploring gender and sexism in our society.

 For more information on Personal, Social, Health, Careers or Enterprise Education (PSHCE), please contact:

  • Miss McAdam (Assistant Head Teacher)
  • Mrs Jukes (PSHCE)
  • Mr Bell (Careers Co-ordinator)
  • Mrs Stewart (Relationships, Sex & Health Education)