During term-time, if anything happens that you as a parent feel uncomfortable about, please phone the school on 01590 677033 and ask to speak to someone on a Child Protection matter. Alternatively please email childprotection@priestlands.hants.sch.uk however, please note this email address is not monitored during school holiday periods.
At Priestlands, Hayley Yates, Assistant Headteacher, is the Designated Safeguarding Lead [DSL] and Robert Kelly, Deputy Headteacher, is the Deputy DSL.
If ever you have a concern about a member of staff working with children (in either a paid or voluntary capacity) you can report it to the Local Area Designated Officer (LADO) on 01962 876364
The Hampshire Children’s Services number for members of the public to use if they are concerned about the welfare/safety of a child is: 0300 555 1384
In an emergency, if you believe someone is in danger or at immediate risk of harm, phone the Police on 999 [101 in non-emergencies].
Adults who would like more information or support around safeguarding issues for children and young people up to the age of 18 can visit the Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website.
Mrs Wagstaff & Miss Hatchard Co-Heads of Year 7
Mr Caplen Head of Year 8
Mrs Ritchie Head of Year 9
Mrs Julius & Mrs Haynes Co-Heads of Year 10
Mr Boultwood Head of Year 11
If you do not receive a response please use the general school email address info@priestlands.hants.sch.uk
During term-time, if anything happens that you as a parent feel uncomfortable about, please phone the school on 01590 677033 and ask to speak to someone on a Child Protection matter. Alternatively please email childprotection@priestlands.hants.sch.uk however, please note this email address is not monitored during school holiday periods.
At Priestlands, Hayley Yates, Assistant Headteacher, is the Designated Safeguarding Lead [DSL] and Robert Kelly, Deputy Headteacher, is the Deputy DSL.
If ever you have a concern about a member of staff working with children (in either a paid or voluntary capacity) you can report it to the Local Area Designated Officer (LADO) on 01962 876364
The Hampshire Children’s Services number for members of the public to use if they are concerned about the welfare/safety of a child is: 0300 555 1384
In an emergency, if you believe someone is in danger or at immediate risk of harm, phone the Police on 999 [101 in non-emergencies].
Adults who would like more information or support around safeguarding issues for children and young people up to the age of 18 can visit the Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website.
Mrs Wagstaff & Miss Hatchard Co-Heads of Year 7
Mr Caplen Head of Year 8
Mrs Ritchie Head of Year 9
Mrs Julius & Mrs Haynes Co-Heads of Year 10
Mr Boultwood Head of Year 11
If you do not receive a response please use the general school email address info@priestlands.hants.sch.uk