Relationships, Sex and Health Education
At Priestlands School, we believe that the physical and emotional health of our students is of vital importance. As a result we have created a unique scheme of work that builds over the five years that students are at Priestlands.
In Years 7 and 8, students receive their Health Education in weekly PSHCE sessions led by their Tutor. Throughout Years 9, 10 and 11, students have dedicated health lessons as part of the weekly LifeSkills Programme, which also includes Careers and Enterprise. These lessons are in addition to the weekly PSHCE session led by their tutor. These aim to challenge and empower our students, and to create discussion. They are delivered by a designated team of staff.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
The theme of the RSE Programme at Priestlands is ‘DELAY’: delaying the time at which our young people become sexually active so that when they do, they understand healthy behaviour, consent, sexual harassment and will approach it with a strong sense of responsibility, respect for their partner and high self-esteem. All lessons have been developed specifically to address the needs of our students.
We recognise that the majority of our young people will not become sexually active until after they leave this school (the national average age is still 17), but we also understand that our media bombards them with images and information that need to be put into context. We help them to recognise that although sex is made to seem an easy thing to do, it is actually really challenging and works best as part of a respectful, healthy and loving relationship.
Key staff:
We use a variety of resources from organisations to create the content for both PSCHE and LifeSkills including: