To provide the means for students to express their view points, concerns and ideas to make Priestlands an even better school for students, staff and visitors.
To make a positive contribution to school life and its environment.
To be a key member of the school partnership, offering the students’ perspective in the decision making process.
Membership of Priestlands Student Council
Priestlands Student Council is made up of two Year Council representatives elected to represent their Year Group at meetings.
Student Councillors represent the viewpoints and interests of all students at Priestlands School by:
Circulating the agendas and minutes of all Student Council meetings to the Tutor Group Representatives in their Year Group. Tutor Group Representatives are expected to discuss these with their Tutor Groups in registration times and share any feedback at the Year Council Meetings for the Student Councillors to bring to Student Council meetings.
Student Councillors will attend all Year Council Meetings in order to collate any feedback from Tutor Group Representatives and to receive any new ideas or concerns to be raised at the next Student Council Meeting.
Priestlands Student Council Elections
Two members of each tutor group are elected as Tutor Group Representatives at the start of each Autumn Term. In each Tutor Group, tutors are asked to provide an opportunity for students to put themselves forward as candidates, give a brief speech to the Tutor Group and be voted for by secret ballot in their tutorial time. Student Council will provide a box for each Tutor Group to use for this purpose.
All Tutor Group Representatives are members of the Year Council and should attend the Year Council Meetings called by the Head of Year / Assistant Head of Year at least once each half term. Tutor Group Representatives are invited to put themselves up to stand for Student Council early in the Autumn Term. The Head of Year will be requested to organise a Year Group Assembly for each candidate to speak to the year Group. This will be followed by a secret ballot held during a tutorial time. Student Council will provide a box for each Year Group to use for this purpose.
The two Tutor Group Representatives with the most votes from each Year Group will be elected to represent their Year Group at Student Council. The Head Girl and Head Boy will call a Student Council Meeting at least once each half term.
Priestlands Student Council Meetings
Student Council Meetings will be held at least once each half term, with a Year Council Meeting held in the previous week.
The meetings will be timetabled into the school day and will last for a maximum of two lessons per meeting.
The meetings will be held on different days and at different times to avoid Student Councillors having to miss the same lessons.
The venue of each meeting will be confirmed prior to the meeting.
All Student Councillors are expected to attend each meeting unless absent from school or apologies given to the Head Girl or Head Boy prior to the meeting.
The Head Girl and Head Boy, in agreement with Mr Glenny, will publish the agenda for each meeting at least one week in advance. This will be distributed to all Student Councillors, Tutor Group Representatives, Heads of Year, Assistant Heads of Year and the Senior Leadership Team. Any items, which require feedback from Year Councils, must be published in advance of their meetings.
The Head Girl and Head Boy will chair the meeting. All Student Councillors will be given an equal opportunity to speak or feedback on an item.
All Student Councillors are expected to listen politely to one another, put their hand up to request to speak and to not interrupt another member at the meeting.
Withdrawal of Membership from Student Council
If a Student Councillor wishes to resign from their position he/she should put it in writing to the Head of Year to explain their reasons and send a copy to the Head Girl or Head Boy. Student Council will be informed of his/her resignation at the next meeting and this will be minuted. The Head of Year will be asked by the Head Girl or Head Boy to put forward a Deputy Student Councillor or organise the election for a new Year Group Student Councillor as soon as possible.
All Student Councillors are expected to set a good example to other students and uphold their position of responsibility with pride. If any Student Councillor felt another member of the Student Council was not fulfilling their responsibility for any reason they should discuss this in the first instance with Mr Glenny. Any decision to remove Student Councillor status from a student with regard to their behaviour in lessons or around school can only be taken by the Head of Year and/or Mr Glenny.
If a Student Councillor fails to attend meetings on a regular basis or his/her behaviour at meetings is felt to be inappropriate the Head Girl or Head Boy will bring this to the attention of Mr Glenny for further action. This may result in the removal of him/her from the Student Council.
The Responsibilities of Student Council Members
Chairpersons (Head Girl and Head Boy)
Prepare the Agenda for all meetings.
Chair all meetings and lead discussions.
Liaise with staff, governors and Senior Leadership Team as appropriate.
Give out Student Council notices in Assemblies.
Check the minutes of all meetings prior to publication.
Meet with Mr Glenny prior to each meeting.
Take notes in all meetings.
Arrange for minutes to be typed up and photocopied.
Write letters from the Student Council.
Make practical arrangements for meetings.
Remind Student Councillors when and where meetings are to be held.
Invite guests in writing to the meetings as requested.
Publicity Officer
Organise Student Council Notice Board and display all agendas/minutes etc.
Produce posters to promote Student Council events.
Produce Student Council items for the newsletter and website.
Link Teacher (Mr Glenny)
Support and advise the Student Council.
Attend all meetings.
Keep staff informed about Student Council issues.
Liaise with staff, Headteacher and Governors on Student Council’s behalf.
Student Councillors
Attend all Student Council meetings.
Attend all Year Council meetings.
Find out what their Year Group think about the issues to be discussed at each meeting.
Put forward the views and ideas of their Year Group at Student Council meetings.
Report back to their Year Group about what has happened at the Student Council meeting.
Ensure all Tutor Group Representatives in their Year Group have received copies of Student Council minutes to report from and to display in tutor rooms.
Priestlands School
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North Street, Pennington, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 8FZ
To provide the means for students to express their view points, concerns and ideas to make Priestlands an even better school for students, staff and visitors.
To make a positive contribution to school life and its environment.
To be a key member of the school partnership, offering the students’ perspective in the decision making process.
Membership of Priestlands Student Council
Priestlands Student Council is made up of two Year Council representatives elected to represent their Year Group at meetings.
Student Councillors represent the viewpoints and interests of all students at Priestlands School by:
Circulating the agendas and minutes of all Student Council meetings to the Tutor Group Representatives in their Year Group. Tutor Group Representatives are expected to discuss these with their Tutor Groups in registration times and share any feedback at the Year Council Meetings for the Student Councillors to bring to Student Council meetings.
Student Councillors will attend all Year Council Meetings in order to collate any feedback from Tutor Group Representatives and to receive any new ideas or concerns to be raised at the next Student Council Meeting.
Priestlands Student Council Elections
Two members of each tutor group are elected as Tutor Group Representatives at the start of each Autumn Term. In each Tutor Group, tutors are asked to provide an opportunity for students to put themselves forward as candidates, give a brief speech to the Tutor Group and be voted for by secret ballot in their tutorial time. Student Council will provide a box for each Tutor Group to use for this purpose.
All Tutor Group Representatives are members of the Year Council and should attend the Year Council Meetings called by the Head of Year / Assistant Head of Year at least once each half term. Tutor Group Representatives are invited to put themselves up to stand for Student Council early in the Autumn Term. The Head of Year will be requested to organise a Year Group Assembly for each candidate to speak to the year Group. This will be followed by a secret ballot held during a tutorial time. Student Council will provide a box for each Year Group to use for this purpose.
The two Tutor Group Representatives with the most votes from each Year Group will be elected to represent their Year Group at Student Council. The Head Girl and Head Boy will call a Student Council Meeting at least once each half term.
Priestlands Student Council Meetings
Student Council Meetings will be held at least once each half term, with a Year Council Meeting held in the previous week.
The meetings will be timetabled into the school day and will last for a maximum of two lessons per meeting.
The meetings will be held on different days and at different times to avoid Student Councillors having to miss the same lessons.
The venue of each meeting will be confirmed prior to the meeting.
All Student Councillors are expected to attend each meeting unless absent from school or apologies given to the Head Girl or Head Boy prior to the meeting.
The Head Girl and Head Boy, in agreement with Mr Glenny, will publish the agenda for each meeting at least one week in advance. This will be distributed to all Student Councillors, Tutor Group Representatives, Heads of Year, Assistant Heads of Year and the Senior Leadership Team. Any items, which require feedback from Year Councils, must be published in advance of their meetings.
The Head Girl and Head Boy will chair the meeting. All Student Councillors will be given an equal opportunity to speak or feedback on an item.
All Student Councillors are expected to listen politely to one another, put their hand up to request to speak and to not interrupt another member at the meeting.
Withdrawal of Membership from Student Council
If a Student Councillor wishes to resign from their position he/she should put it in writing to the Head of Year to explain their reasons and send a copy to the Head Girl or Head Boy. Student Council will be informed of his/her resignation at the next meeting and this will be minuted. The Head of Year will be asked by the Head Girl or Head Boy to put forward a Deputy Student Councillor or organise the election for a new Year Group Student Councillor as soon as possible.
All Student Councillors are expected to set a good example to other students and uphold their position of responsibility with pride. If any Student Councillor felt another member of the Student Council was not fulfilling their responsibility for any reason they should discuss this in the first instance with Mr Glenny. Any decision to remove Student Councillor status from a student with regard to their behaviour in lessons or around school can only be taken by the Head of Year and/or Mr Glenny.
If a Student Councillor fails to attend meetings on a regular basis or his/her behaviour at meetings is felt to be inappropriate the Head Girl or Head Boy will bring this to the attention of Mr Glenny for further action. This may result in the removal of him/her from the Student Council.
The Responsibilities of Student Council Members
Chairpersons (Head Girl and Head Boy)
Prepare the Agenda for all meetings.
Chair all meetings and lead discussions.
Liaise with staff, governors and Senior Leadership Team as appropriate.
Give out Student Council notices in Assemblies.
Check the minutes of all meetings prior to publication.
Meet with Mr Glenny prior to each meeting.
Take notes in all meetings.
Arrange for minutes to be typed up and photocopied.
Write letters from the Student Council.
Make practical arrangements for meetings.
Remind Student Councillors when and where meetings are to be held.
Invite guests in writing to the meetings as requested.
Publicity Officer
Organise Student Council Notice Board and display all agendas/minutes etc.
Produce posters to promote Student Council events.
Produce Student Council items for the newsletter and website.
Link Teacher (Mr Glenny)
Support and advise the Student Council.
Attend all meetings.
Keep staff informed about Student Council issues.
Liaise with staff, Headteacher and Governors on Student Council’s behalf.
Student Councillors
Attend all Student Council meetings.
Attend all Year Council meetings.
Find out what their Year Group think about the issues to be discussed at each meeting.
Put forward the views and ideas of their Year Group at Student Council meetings.
Report back to their Year Group about what has happened at the Student Council meeting.
Ensure all Tutor Group Representatives in their Year Group have received copies of Student Council minutes to report from and to display in tutor rooms.