
Citizenship Education

"Citizenship equips pupils with the knowledge and skills needed for effective and democratic participation. It helps pupils to become informed, critical, active citizens who have the confidence and conviction to work collaboratively, take action and try to make a difference in their communities and the wider world."

National Curriculum, 2007


The purpose of citizenship education is to equip the next generation of voters with the knowledge and drive to create change in the world around them. Not only are they taught the factual knowledge that will help them to understand the way that the world around them works, but also provides them with the skills they will need to effect change in the world around them, whether this be at a local, national or international level.

Citizenship is delivered through many subjects across the curriculum as well as being a key part of the PSHCE syllabus.

The wider implication of PSHCE:

As well as informing students of key details and practical advice, PSHCE aims to develop their skills in independent study, team work, speaking and listening and forming and defending an opinion. Students are also encouraged to be effective participators and to engage with self reflection and the setting of realistic and achievable goals.