
Ofsted have consistently described our curriculum as an area of strength and teaching methods are grounded in evidence based practice.

We expect all our students to achieve their very best. We offer firm, fair discipline; termly reports on children’s progress; lessons which are well planned and well delivered; and high standards of work. Our central goal is to help students constantly improve on their previous best.

All Priestlands’ students follow a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that provides much more than is required by the National Curriculum. The school benefits from specialist teachers who are well qualified in their subjects.
We create an atmosphere in which children feel encouraged and valued so that they may achieve their full potential. We aim to motivate children through their studies so that selfesteem and confidence thrive.
All students in all years are taught for 25 hours per week. This excludes registration and assembly time.


Years 7 and 8
In Years 7 and 8, students study English and English Literature, ICT and Computing, Mathematics, Science, a Language (French or Spanish), History, Geography, Religious Education, Art, Drama, Music, Technology (Food & Nutrition or Design Technology), Physical Education, Citizenship and PSHE.
In Year 7, setting takes place in Maths; all other classes are mixed ability.

Year 9
In Year 9, students continue to study English and English Literature, Mathematics, Science, their Language, Physical Education, Citizenship and PSHE.
However, our students also begin to have choices about which subjects they study.
They have six choices from Art, Drama, Food & Nutrition, Geography, History, Music, additional PE, Religious Education, Design Technology and a second Language (French, Spanish or German).
This enables us to stretch higher achieving students, support those with learning difficulties, motivate the disaffected and deliver a more diverse and personalised curriculum for all students.

Years 10 and 11
In Years 10 and 11, all students follow GCSE Courses in English and English Literature, Mathematics and Science (combined (two GCSEs) or the three separate sciences). As well as a non-examination options in Additional Maths or English and Horticulture, students may choose from a range of examination subjects, including: Art, Business Studies, Child Development, Computing, Design Technology, Drama, Food & Nutrition, French, Geography, German, History, Music, Photography, Physical Education, Religious Studies, Spanish.
Students also follow non-examination courses in Physical Education, Religious Education, Citizenship and Careers, Enterprise and Health. Some are invited to study further Mathematics.