Priestlands School

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01590 677 033

North Street, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 8FZ


Educational Visits

Extra-Curricular Visits

Residential trips are regularly offered by staff who give up their own time voluntarily to run these trips for the benefit of students.  The types of trips offered will therefore depend on what staff are willing to arrange.   Students will be told and a letter will be issued to parents to 'launch' the trip, providing you with further information of the itinerary and costs involved.  Because these trips are not a required part of the curriculum, the school is unable to offer any financial support towards the cost.

Overseas trips this year have included:

New York (Drama), Berlin & Krakow (History & RE), Activities Week in the Dolomites, Italy (Languages), World War 1 Battlefields in Belgium & France (History)

Curricular Educational Visits

These take place during the school day and are a required part of the study of particular subjects, e.g. Drama, Geography, History etc.  A letter will be issued in advance of any trip providing you with further information and whether a voluntary financial contribution is requested to help meet the costs of the trip.

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The payment schedule for all residential trips will consist of a deposit and a maximum of two further payment deadlines. This is to minimise the substantial administration costs and time of collecting, chasing and processing payments. You can, of course, pay a higher amount than shown on the schedule in order to clear the balance sooner should you wish. We are also more than happy to accept more frequent payments of lesser amounts, as long as the threshold amounts and dates are met. It is essential these payment deadlines are met as interim payments have to be made to the tour operator.

In order to help meet the school’s costs in organising large extra-curricular trips, there is a 1% school admin charge.  This money will go towards the costs of staff time in processing payments and administering the off-site activities approval process.

The 1% charge will not apply to educational visits in school time, only to extra-curricular activities.