
Head of Department: Mr P Wagstaff

We aim to deliver an exciting curriculum that inspires young people to become fascinated by the world around them, to have an appreciation of the natural environment and to take some responsibility for our geographical futures including the sustainability of the planet they are to inherit.  That world can be the one on their doorstep or one thousands of miles away.

In KS3 we start with a broad curriculum focusing on sampling a variety of geographical skills and knowledge including map skills, statistical skills, concepts of urban and rural and understanding the geography of the British Isles. Later, by studying countries and continents further afield, we are able to develop these skills whilst challenging students’ preconceptions about places such as Africa and Europe. We also use these topics to develop students’ understanding of poverty, development and migration.

The relevance of Geography is part of what makes it so exciting. As students progress through school, they will be able to complete investigations into; climate change, the impacts their consumer choices have on people and the environment, research recent weather, and tectonic hazards. We also study rising and competing Asian giants of India and China and investigate the complexity of a several of biomes around the world. Through these topics students will research, investigate and evaluate issues alongside the developing the geographical skills they started to establish in KS3.

In KS4 we follow the AQA syllabus but choose relevant case studies and examples to study within many of the units. We are, therefore, able to continue to focus on a mix of local Geography including the New Forest and Southampton and Geography from further afield including Rio de Janeiro and Nigeria.

Through these schemes of work we not only achieve outstanding results but help to develop critical thinkers who can apply the knowledge and skills they have gained to the challenges which they face in their lives outside the school gates.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Key Stage 4 Curriculum