Students have two Geography lessons each week. The aim of Geography in KS3 is to develop Geographical skills such as map work, collecting, analysing and interpreting data, geographical enquiry skills, problem solving and decision making skills, presenting work in a variety of ways. They will study a range of contemporary social, environmental, economic and political issues and formulate their own opinions about these issues.
Autumn Term / Term 1
Year 7 begins with a study of the world in a unit ‘Global to Local’ which then focuses in to our locality, continuing with the topic ‘Seaside Sensations’ which involves map work and the study of local coastal formations such as Old Harry Rocks.
Spring Term / Term 2
The focus this term is on Africa with units on ‘Development’, which covers ideas such as the contrast of rich and poor, and asks the question ‘Is Trade Fair?’. Students will also look at life in Nairobi.
Students will also look at the physical geography of the continent and will learn about ecosystems and deserts.
Summer Term / Term 3
The focus this term is on ‘Settlement’, looking at cities and the problems people face living in cities. Year 7 will also carry out fieldwork this term investigating Lymington under the topic ‘Shopping and Sustainability’ using data collected to analyse and present their work.
Students have two Geography lessons each week. Students will build on their studies in Year 7 and will develop their understanding of their place in the world, how people and places are linked and the similarities and differences between places, from a local to a global scale. They study the processes that shape the earth and develop an understanding of the relationship between people and the physical environment. Students will continue to develop their Geographical skills
Autumn Term / Term 1
This term begins with ‘The Geography of Sport’. Students will investigate where footballs are made and will look at the story of Omar who stitches footballs at home in Pakistan. This will lead to study of global Fair Trade ideas. Students will go on to study the Rio Olympics of 2016 and will ask the question, ‘Were the Olympics good for Rio?’
The next topic will take students to Europe to study Italy, using map skills and enquiry skills as they investigate industry and decide on a suitable location for a factory. They will also look at climate.
Spring Term / Term 2 and Summer Term / Term 3
Over these two terms, students will focus on the processes that shape our earth.
The first topic is ‘Climatic and Tectonic Hazards’ – hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunami. Students will then move on to look at ‘Weather and Climate’, with a focus on measuring the weather and in particular the British climate. This leads to the final topic for the year – ‘Climate Change’, its causes and effects.