GCSE Exams and Revision

So the biggest exams of your life so far are just around the corner!  The summer of Year 11 is a very important time that will shape your future.  There is no escaping the fact that it is going to be hard work, but don’t panic.  Hours of revision and exams do not have to be a nightmare if you get organised early.  Just think, by the end of June it will all be over and you will have 10 weeks of summer holiday to enjoy!

In your lessons during Year 11, and in PSHCE time, teachers will deliver lessons to help you develop effective revision skills and prepare well for your exams.  Your subject teachers will also spend time preparing you for specific exams.  But, as Year 11 goes on, more and more will be down to YOU.  This part of the school website provides some useful information and resources to help you achieve the best results you can.

Good luck!